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(Top) Dr. Ognyan Seizov; Frank Wittig, MA; Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. rer. pol. Alexander J. Wulf;

 Prof. Dr. med. Franz Hessel, MPH

(Bottom) Prof. Dr. jur. Ralph Schuhmann; Prof. Dr. Farzaneh Soleimani Zoghi;

Prof. Dr. jur. Bert Eichhorn

(Left to Right)

Team Members


Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. rer. pol. Alexander J. Wulf

Professor of Business Law

Alexander J. Wulf is a professor of business law at the Berlin School of Management. His research interests are the application of empirical methodology to the study of law, the interdependence of law and economics and the relevance of law and legal institutions for the behavior of businesses. His research focuses particularly on the empirical analysis of European Union commercial law.


Frank Wittig, MA

Research Associate- Health Care Operations

Frank Wittig, MA teaches courses in Project Management, Intellectual Property, and accompanies students of all management disciplines in their development of their master thesis proposal. 


His research interests encompass hospital operations management, in particular real-time location and tracking systems, as well as decision modelling. Since he is also engaged as worker’s council member, researching legal aspects on co-determination and employee rights, worker and occupational safety, as well as data protection and IT governance count to his responsibilities.


Prof. Dr. jur. Ralph Schuhmann

Professor of Business Law

Ralph Schuhmann is professor emeritus of business law at the Ernst-Abbe-University of Applied Sciences in Jena. His research focuses on project law, the law of general terms and conditions and contract governance.


Prof. Dr. jur. Bert Eichhorn

Professor of International and European Law

Bert Eichhorn is professor at the SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences and external professor at the University of Granada. His research focuses on peace negotiations and contracts.




Prof. Dr. med. Franz Hessel, MPH

Professor of Health Care Management

Franz Hessel is Professor for Healthcare Management at the Berlin School of Management. His research interests focus on the practical application of theories and principles of health economics and management to real-life problems in healthcare from a societal and patients’ perspective. This includes international and national regulatory aspects of healthcare systems, pricing and reimbursement of medicinal products and services, as well as health economic evaluations and health services research.


Prof. Dr. Farzaneh Soleimani Zoghi

Professor of International and European Law

Farzaneh S. Zoghi is a professor of Business Administration with a focus on Leadership at SRH Berlin University of Applied Science - Dresden School of Management. Her research interests are cross cultural studies on risk management, consumer behavior, and entrepreneurship. Her research focuses particularly on the empirical studies on Hospitality and Tourism Industry.


Dr. Ognyan Seizov

Research Associate- "The ABC of Online Disclosure Duties"

Ognyan Seizov is a Research Associate at the Berlin School of Management. His research interests are online communication, media content analysis, audience studies, and the practical implementation of European law with regard to transparent consumer information. He is particularly interested in helping businesses disclose more effectively as well as ensuring consumers make better informed decisions. His industry experience is in digital marketing, communication strategy, and copywriting.

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