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List of Publications*

  • Schäfer, Hans-Bernd & Wulf, Alexander J. (2022, forthcoming). "Premature Repayment of Fixed Interest Mortgage Loans without Compensation. A Case of Misguided Consumer Protection in the EU", European Journal of Law and Economics


  • Wulf, Alexander J. & Seizov, Ognyan, (2021). "Die Transparenz rechtlicher Verbraucherinformationen im Internet. Eine empirische Studie über die wichtigsten Stakeholder", Verbraucher und Recht, (10), 363-371. 


  • Dwivedi, V; Norta, A. & Wulf, A. J. & B. Leiding; S. Saxena and C. Udokwu (2021). "A Formal Specification Smart-Contract Language For Legally Binding Decentralized Autonomous Organizations", IEEE Access, (9), 76069-76082. 


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J. (2021). "Communicating Legal Information to Online Customers Transparently. Some Benefits and Principles of Better Customer Relationship Management", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 33, (2), 159-177. 


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J. (2021). "Online Transparency in Indian Contract Law", Journal of Indian Law and Society, 12 (1), 64-84.


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J. (2021). Information transparency requirements in Indian contract law and their application in e-commerce: Results from an empirical survey. Journal of Indian Law & Society, 12(1), 1 – 17.


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J. (2020). Communicating legal information to customers transparently: A multidisciplinary multistakeholderist perspective. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 32, doi:10.1080/08961530.2020.1742841.


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J. (2020). The principle of transparency in practice: How different groups of stakeholders view EU online information obligations. European Review of Private Law 28(5), 1065–1092.


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J. (2020). Artificial intelligence and transparency: A blueprint for improving the regulation of AI applications in the EU. European Business Law Review, 31(4), 611–640.



  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2020). Optimierungspotenziale für Projektverträge in der internationalen Diskussion. Zeitschrift deutsches & - internat. Bau- & Vergaberecht (ZfBR), pp. 501-507.


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2020). Vertragsrisiken und vertragliches Risikomanagement - Eine Neubestimmung, Zeitschrift Risk Fraud Compliance (ZRFC) 04/2020, p. 156-162.​


  • Hessel, Franz (2020). Overview of the socio-economic consequences of heart failure. Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy (e-pub ahead of print).


  • Hessel, Franz; Wasem, J. (2019). Arzneimittelversorgung. In: Wasem, J.; Matusiewicz, D.; Neumann, A.; Noweski, M. (Hrsg.): Medizinmanagement. Grundlagen und Praxis des Managements in Gesundheitssystem und Versorgung. Seite 271-298. 2. Auflage. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin. 


  • Hessel, Franz (2019). Die Preisgestaltung von Arzneimittel aus internationaler Perspektive. In: Pfannstiel M., Da-Cruz P., Schulte V. (eds) Internationalisierung im Gesundheitswesen. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J. & Luzak, J. (2019). The transparent trap: A multidisciplinary perspective on the design of transparent online disclosures in the EU. Journal of Consumer Policy, 42(1), 149–173. doi:1007/s10603-018-9393-0.


  • Zimmermann, Giarra; Eichhorn, Bert (2019). The Jamaika Coalition Case.  In: Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (Editors). Contractual Management -Managing Through Contracts, Springer Verlag, pp. 361-387.​


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2019). Contractual Management: A Holistic Approach to a Diverse Issue. In: Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (Editors). Contractual Management -Managing Through Contracts, Springer Verlag, pp. 3-47.


  • Eichhorn, Bert (2019). The Second-Hand Software Case. In: Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (Editors). Contractual Management -Managing Through Contracts, Springer Verlag, pp. 87-111.


  • Schuhmann, Ralph (2019). Contractual Management: A Holistic Approach to a Diverse Issue: The Tricky Boiler Case - Managing Scope Issues in Project Execution, Springer Verlag. 


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (Editors) (2019). Contractual Management -Managing Through Contracts, Springer Verlag, pp. 1-403.


  • Wittig, Frank (2019). Contractual Management: A Holistic Approach to a Diverse Issue: The X Virus Case Set - Leeway for Contractual Steering of Hospital Treatment, Springer Verlag.


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J. (2019). Contractual Management: A Holistic Approach to a Diverse Issue: The Disclosure Backlash Case - Information Transparency in Effective Contractual Management, Springer Verlag.


  • Seizov, Ognyan; Wulf, Alexander J.; Luzak, J., (2019). The Transparent Trap. Analyzing Transparency in Information Obligations from a Multidisciplinary Empirical Perspective, Journal of Consumer Policy, vol. 42, no. (1), pp.149-173.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2019). An Empirical Study on the Impact of Risk Perception on Consumers’ Buying Intention in Germany, Review of Socio-Economic Perspectives, vol. 4, no. Issue 1, pp. 1-14 - DOI: 10.19275/RSEP060.


  • Towers Ian; Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2019). On the Outside and Trying to Get In: Women Early Career Academics with a Migration Background and Success, 11th International Critical Management Studies Conference, London, United Kingdom.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh  Soleimani (2019). The Challenges of Leadership in Service-Oriented Industries, Keynote Speaker in the 7th RSEP International Conferences on Business, Economics &Finance, Istanbul, Turkey.


  • I-Hung, C.; Hessel, Franz (2018). Value-Based Healthcare Delivery - A Success Story for Taiwan ? Value in Health, Volume 21 , S23.


  • Hessel, Franz (2018). Der Stellenwert gesundheitsökonomischer Studien im Market-Access-Prozess von Biomarker-Tests. In: Pfannstiel et al. (Hrsg.) Entrepreneurship im Gesundheitswesen II Geschäftsmodelle – Prozesse – Funktionen.  Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Seite 279-291.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2018). Online Buying Intention: A Comparative Analysis of Consumers from Germany and Turkey, Workshop in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour: Current Challenges, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2018). An Empirical Study on the Impact of Risk Perception on German Consumers' Online Buying Intention, 25th European Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, Berlin, Germany.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (May 2018). Does Inter-firm Trust Matter in Strategic Alliances Examining the Effect of Inter- firm Trust on Expected Performance, 7th RSEP International Social Sciences Conference, Amsterdam, Netherland.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2018). A Research on the Effect of National Culture and religiosity on Work-Life Balance in Iranian Muslim Women, Workshop on The Cultural and Social Role of Muslim Women in Contemporary European Society, Department of Media and Music Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany.


  • Khiabani, M., Shahi, M., Moghadam, S.; Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2018). Futurity of Muslim Women- Family Life and Work in Western Societies, Shahizadeh, M. and Zoghi, F.S. (Editors), Kulturabteilung der Botschaft des Iran, Berlin, Germany.


  • Wulf, Alexander. J. (2018). Bedeutung des Wirtschaftsrechts für die volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Perspektiven der ökonomischen Analyse, Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag, pp. 1-239.


  • Wulf, Alexander. J. (2018). Insights from the German Codification Debate between Thibaut and Savigny for a Uniform Indian Civil Code, Journal of the Indian Law Institute, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 121-136.


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2018). Survey on Risk Management Practices in Turkish and German SMEs, Athens: ATINER’S Conference Paper Series, no.  SME2017-2391., Athens Greece.


  • Wulf, Alexander. J. (2017). The Transparent Trap. Analyzing Transparency in Information Obligations from a Multidisciplinary Empirical Perspective. “Transparency: where art thou in consumer protection”, University of Exeter Conference, Exeter, United Kingdom.


  • Wulf, Alexander. J. (2017). New Paradigms of Knowledge in Law and Economics. Other Forms of Knowledge, Kyoto University Conference, Kyoto, Japan.


  • Wulf, Alexander. J. (2017). The Lack of Legal Forms for Public Enterprises. An Economic Case Study on the Legal and Institutional Obstacles in Public Enterprises, taking Berlin Brandenburg Airport (BER) as an Example. Polish Law & Economics Conference 5th Annual Conference, Warsaw, Poland.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2017). The Effect of Relational Risk Perception on Supplier’s Performance; An Empirical Study on Turkish Strategic Alliances. 4th RSEP International Conferences on Social Science and Economic Studies, Prague, Czech Republic.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2017). SMEs and Contract Management; an Empirical Study on Turkish Companies. 3rdRSEP International Conferences on Social Science and Economic Studies, Vienna, Austria.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2017). SMEs and Contract Management; an Empirical Study on Turkish Companies, Journal of Economics, Business, Politics and International Relations, vol. 3, no. (1), pp. 111-136.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2017). Risk Management Practices and SMEs: An empirical study on Turkish SMEs, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 123-127. 


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2017). Reconsidering Contract Risk and Contractual Risk Management, International Journal of Law and Management, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 504-521.


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2017). Compliance durch vertragliches Management, Risk, Fraud & Compliance, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 86-91.


  • Eichhorn, Bert; Heinze, Björn; Tamm, Gerrit; Schuhmann, Ralph (2016). Internetrecht im E-Commerce, Springer Verlag.


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2016). Projekterfolg durch vertragliches Management, ProjektManagement, pp. 57-61.


  • Zoghi, Farzaneh Soleimani (2016). Risk Management Practices and SMEs: An Empirical Study on Turkish SMEs, The 3rd International Conference on Advances in Business and Economics (ICABE27- 29 April 2016), Istanbul, Turkey.


  • Wulf, Alexander J. (2016). Law as Part of Managerial Skills. Reform Proposals for Teaching Law to Business Administration and Economics Students, (English version of “Rechtskompetenz als Teil unternehmerischer Führungsqualität"), Asian Journal of Legal Education, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 1-15. 


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Zoghi, Farzaneh. Soleimani (2016). National Culture and Company’s Risk Management: A Survey on risk Management Practice in Turkish and German SMEs, 13th Annual International Conference on SMEs, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2016, Athens, Greece.


  • Hessel, Franz (2016). Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Gesundheitsförderung und Ressourcenknappheit: Gesundheitsökonomische Aspekte des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagementsin: A. Ghadiri et al. (Hrsg.): Trends im Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement. Springer, Wiesbaden.


  • Hessel, Franz (2015). HTA in personalized medicine technologies. In: Seitz H, Schumacher S (edt.) Biomarker Validation – Technological, Clinical and Commercial Aspects. Wiley VCH.


  • Hessel, Franz (2015). The Relevance of the Analytic Validity of Genetic Biomarker Tests in Personalised Medicine in Oncology. In: Vollmann, Schildmann (ed): Personalised Medicine, Ashgate Publishing.


  • Noweski, M.; Walendzik, A.; Hessel, Franz; Jahn R.;  Wasem, J. (2015). Approval and Reimbursement of Personalised Drugs: Interim Results of the Adjustment Process. In: Vollmann, Schildmann (ed): Personalised Medicine, Ashgate Publishing.


  • Schildmann, J.; Ganser, A.; Gottwald, S.; Hessel, Franz; Huster, S.; Neumann, A.; Noweski, M.; Port, M.; Pouryamout, L.; Sandow, V.; Wäscher, S.; Walendzik, A.; Wasem, J.; Vollmann, J. (2015). Personalised medicine, Multidisciplinary perspectives and interdisciplinary recommendations on a framework for future research and practice. In: Vollmann, Schildmann (ed): Personalised Medicine, Ashgate Publishing.


  • Wulf, Alexander J. (2015). Uncertainty as a Challenge for Leadership. The Effect of Cultural, Social and Legal Institutions on Risk-Taking and Innovation in Family Businesses, Paragrana, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 80-93. 


  • Anil, Ibrahim;  Çakir, Ö. (2015). Cultural Differences and The Effects on Risk Management Practices: An Empirical Study in Turkish and German SME’s, Conference Paper, 5th Annual International Conference on Innovation & Entrepreneurship, pp. 100-103. 


  • Wulf, Alexander J. (2015). Rechtskompetenz als Teil unternehmerischer Führungsqualität. Reformvorschläge für ein Studium des Rechts in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 20-40.


  • Wulf, Alexander J. (2015). Risk-Taking and Entrepreneurship in India. Implications of Social and Cultural Norms for Poverty Alleviation Policies, In: Clemens, I. and Sarrukai, S. et al. (Editors). Exploring Alterity in a Globalized World. New Delhi, India: Routledge.


  • Schuhmann, Ralph; Eichhorn, Bert (2015). From Contract Management to Contractual Management, European Review of Contract Law (ERCL), 1, pp. 1-21. 


  • Eichhorn, Bert; Schuhmann, Ralph (2014). Der Inhalt ist alles, die Form nur Ästhetik - Leichtverständliche Sprache und Visualisierung für Projektverträge, Zeitschrift für deutsches und internationales Bau- und Vergaberecht, 3, pp. 211-216.  


  • Wulf, Alexander J. (2014). Institutional Competition of Optional Codes in European Contract Law, European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 139-162.


  • Wulf, Alexander J. (2014). Privatizing Law-Making. An Economic Analysis of Non-Governmental Law-Making in the Field of Contract Law, in: Knoke, M. and Merk, J. et al. (Editors). Das Publicness-Puzzle. Öffentliche Aufgabenerfüllung zwischen Staat und Markt. Berlin: BWV, pp. 401-410. 


  • Schuhmann, Ralph (2013). Vertragsleben und Projektleben – Die vertragliche Steuerung der Zusammenarbeit in Projekten, projektManagement, pp. 24–28.


  • Wulf, Alexander J. (2013). Well-Being and Risk-Taking Behaviour. A Case Study of Employee Well-Being Policies in Corporate Japan, Paragrana, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 293-306.


  • Wulf, Alexander J. (2013). Global Perspectives on Risk Taking Behaviour. Using Focused Ethnography to Study Managerial Behaviour. In: Suzuki, S. & Yamana, J. (Editors). Proceedings of the Conference on Research Opportunities for Ethnomethodology, Kyoto, Japan: Kyoto University, pp. 126-127. â€‹

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  • Eichhorn, Bert; Schuhmann, Ralph (2012). Integration von Wirtschaft und Recht: Vertragswissensmanagement, Akademie - Zeitschrift für Führungskräfte in Verwaltung und Wirtschaft 2/2012, pp. 41-44. 


  • Wulf, Alexander. J. (2012). An Evaluation of some Critical Points in the European Commission's Impact Assessment accompanying the Proposal for a Regulation on a Common European Sales Law. In: Ministry of Justice (United Kingdom) (Editors). Responses to the Call for Evidence on the Common European Sales Law. London, United Kingdom: Ministry of Justice, pp. 1-2. 


  • Schuhmann, Ralph (2012). Vom rechtssicheren zum effizienten Projektvertrag, Zeitschrift für deutsches und internationales Baurecht, pp. 9-14.


  • Eichhorn, Bert; Schuhmann, Ralph (2011). Der Vertrag als Kooperations- und Kommunikationstreiber. Vom klassischen zu einem prozessorientierten Vertragsverständnis. In: Ladwig, Kunze, Hartmann (Editors). Exit Matters – Auf dem Weg in die Projektgesellschaft, pp. 169-203.



 *Publications since 2011. More Publications of the Team Members might be found under the Image of the Individual Team Members Section.

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