Practicing Risk Management in SMEs
The project "Practicing Risk Management in SMEs“ (German-Turkish Survey) is part of CMI’s research on risk and contractual management. Representative interviews with more than 270 managers of businesses in Germany and Turkey compare the practice of contractual risk management in Turkey and Germany, investigate cultural difference in risk management between both countries and make recommendations to the business community for best practice in this field. The practical aim is to enable German businesses that operate in Turkey and Turkish businesses that operate in Germany to assess, whether their risk management lives up to the national peculiarities and standards.
Funding Institute: SRH Holding.
Cooperation Partner: Marmara University.
Project Duration: 2011 - 2017.
Presentation and Handing over the Final Report of Project
The project "Practicing Risk Management in SMEs" is planned to be continued for 2022 - 2024.
Cooperation Partner: Marmara University.

Prof. Dr. jur. Bert Eichhorn, Prof. Dr. jur. Ralph Schuhmann, Professor Ibrahim Anil, Prof. Dr. Binali Dogan, Professor Ugur Yozgat
(Left to Right)
Prof. Dr. jur. Bert Eichhorn and Prof. Ibrahim Anil